Chasing New Horizons Page 29
The giant glacier on Pluto called Sputnik Planitia is located almost exactly at the “anti-Charon point.” That is, it is centered almost exactly opposite from the location on Pluto where Charon, being tidally locked, always hangs directly overhead. Why should it be precisely there? It’s thought that the added weight of the ice in the Sputnik Planitia basin itself might have led to tidal forces that caused the basin to migrate into that position. However, that can only occur if the interior of Pluto and the planet’s icy crust are “frictionally decoupled” by the existence of a liquid water ocean layer below the crust. Definitive tests for an interior ocean will have to wait for a future orbiter mission to Pluto, but even now we can ask, might this water ocean be inhabited? Could there be Plutonian life forms swimming deep underneath the planet’s icy surface? Current thought within astrobiology holds that liquid water may be a key necessity for life, with organic molecules and some form of energy flow also required. It seems possible that all these conditions could be met within Pluto, as it is within other worlds with interior oceans, like Europa and Enceladus.
Separating the northern from the southern hemispheres of Charon, and slanting at a sharp angle across the equator from the southwest to the northeast, is a huge complex of valleys and cliffs that stretch for over one thousand miles. Geological analysis reveals that this is a huge extensional belt, meaning that the surface of Charon was pulled apart across this yawning series of chasms by expansion forces. What would have caused Charon to split down the middle like that? In order to generate the forces sufficient to break apart its solid surface, it appears that Charon would have had to expand on the inside, like a beverage can that bursts when you leave it in the freezer for too long. What actually happened is probably similar to that. Charon’s interior is about half water ice by mass, and we know that when Charon formed, its interior was hot, causing the water ice to be liquefied. Over time, as it cooled, the freezing process caused internal expansion, which in turn likely resulted in the creation of the widespread tectonic belt we see.
Perhaps Charon’s most remarkable surface feature is its dark, reddish polar cap, also sometimes called a polar “stain,” as it appears to be diffusely spread—almost sprayed on top of its underlying polar geology. Nothing like it has been seen anywhere else among all the other worlds of our solar system. The leading idea to explain the red cap is that some of the methane escaping off the top of Pluto’s atmosphere strikes Charon and preferentially condenses on Charon’s poles, the coldest places on this moon. As has been simulated in scientific laboratories on Earth, on Charon the methane can be processed by sunlight and solar wind into heavier hydrocarbon molecules which are dark and red—just as is observed on Charon’s poles—and which are nonvolatile, meaning they don’t evaporate. This strange connection between Pluto and Charon, with material from Pluto slowly migrating to Charon over the eons, is reminiscent of some kinds of binary stars that exchange material with one another gravitationally, and it adds to the oft-stated description of the Pluto system as a sci-fi lover’s dream!
Every aspect of the Pluto system contains its share of surprises. This has even been true of Pluto’s four small moons—Nix, Hydra, Styx, and Kerberos—which orbit outside the Pluto-Charon binary. One surprising discovery about these small moons is how fast they are all spinning, much faster than their orbital periods. Hydra, the most extreme, rotates in just ten hours—almost one hundred times faster than its orbital period. Even stranger, their spin axes are not basically perpendicular to their orbital planes around Pluto, the norm in other systems of moons. Why? The answer is unknown. All four of these small satellites have the elongated, non-spherical shapes that are typical of icy objects not large and massive enough to pull themselves into a sphere with their own gravity. But yet another surprise is that two of them—Styx and Hydra—are each composed of two “lobes” that appear smashed together, which may be telling us that they formed by collisions of former moons. And if that’s not enough, all four of Pluto’s small moons are also surprisingly bright and reflective: they each reflect about 70–80 percent of the light that strikes them, which makes them among the most reflective objects in the solar system. And a final mystery is that despite an intense search for smaller moons by New Horizons, none were found. Given that almost every time the Hubble Space Telescope looked for new moons around Pluto, it found them, it surprised almost everyone on the New Horizons team that they didn’t find more when the spacecraft was close enough to beat Hubble’s capabilities. Why does Pluto have five moons and yet no more? No one knows.
First and foremost, we wish to acknowledge the New Horizons team members, and the current and former NASA officials, and others, who agreed to be interviewed and quoted. Each generously lent us their time and insights; without their contributions this book would have not been possible. For this we particularly thank Fran Bagenal, Alice Bowman, Marc Buie, Glen Fountain, Dan Goldin, Mike Griffin, Chris Hersman, Wes Huntress, Tom Krimigis, Todd May, Bill McKinnon, Ralph McNutt, Jeff Moore, Cathy Olkin, John Spencer, Rob Staehle, Hal Weaver, and Leslie Young. We are also extremely grateful to all of the contributors to the success of New Horizons and the exploration of Pluto.
For other helpful conversations and correspondence, we thank Jim Bell, Laurie Cantillo, Candy Hansen, Charles Kolhase, Jonathan Lunine, Kelsi Singer, Joel and Leonard Stern, Chuck Tatro, the Tombaugh family, Stacy Weinstein, and Amanda Zangari. We are also indebted to Cindy Conrad, who was massively helpful to us, both logistically and editorially. And we also thank Morgaine McKibben, Michael Soluri, and Henry Throop for photographically capturing aspects of the New Horizons mission and allowing us to use their beautiful and oftentimes touching images. Thanks, too, to Kevin Schindler, Historian at Lowell Observatory, who generously shared with us archival materials that enriched this book, and Mike Buckley of the Applied Physics Laboratory, who gave invaluable help tracking down and providing NASA and APL images and other material. We also want to thank our agents, Carrie Hannigan, Josh Getzler, and Eric Lupfer, for skillfully guiding us through all the stages of this project, and to our editor, James Meader, for his constant encouragement, patience, and judgment, and for joining us in our excitement at sharing the story of New Horizons with the world. Finally, we thank our wives, Jennifer Goldsmith-Grinspoon and Carole Stern, for putting up with the many long weekends and evening hours that went into writing this book.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Aerojet Rocketdyne
AGU. See American Geophysical Union
Aldrin, Buzz
“Alice” ultraviolet spectrometer
American Astronomical Society
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Anomaly Review Boards (ARBs)
“antenna-to-ram” technique
Apollo missions
Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland (APL)
NEAR mission by
New Horizons’ development, management of, by
New Horizons’ mission control at
New Horizons’ project bid by
NHOPS simulator at
Approach Phases 1-3, Pluto flyby
ARBs. See Anomaly Review Boards
Armstrong, Neil
Atlas Spaceflight Operations Center (ASOC)
Atlas V rocket, launch with
atmosphere, Pluto
atmospheric pressure in
haze observed in
loss of
Atmospheres Team, New Horizons
Baez, Omar
Bagenal, Fran
plasma/particle measurement by
Pluto mission research by
in Pluto Underground
Ball Aerospace
Bauer, Brian
Beebe, Reta
Binzel, Richard “Rick”
Blaine, David
blink comparators
Bogan, Denis
Bolden, Charles
Bowman, Alice
New Horizons’ computer crisis and
New Horizons’ launch and
New Horizons’ navigation oversight by
New Horizons’ proposal contributions by
Pluto flyby planning/execution by
Briggs, Geoff
Brown, Mike
Buie, Marc
KBO search by
in Pluto Underground
Burney, Venetia
Burratti, Bonnie
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Calloway, Andy
Cantillo, Laurie
Cape Canaveral. See Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
Cassini mission
“antenna-to-ram” technique used in
CBS News
Centaur launch stage
Certificate of Flight Readiness (COFR)
Challenger space shuttle
Charon (Pluto moon). See also top discovery(ies), New Horizons
discovery of
eclipse of Pluto by
geographical/geological findings on
mission objectives for
orbit of
size of
top New Horizons discoveries on
Christy, James “Jim”
Clarke, Arthur C.
Cleave, Mary
Clyde Tombaugh Elementary School, New Mexico
COFR. See Certificate of Flight Readiness
Cold War
Communications Plan, NASA
Composition Team, New Horizons
configuration management (CM)
Conrad, Cindy
Contour spacecraft
Core phase, Pluto flyby
computer malfunction prior to
Encounter Mode during
“fail-safe” data retrieval during
high-resolution imaging during
optical navigation for
simulations of
upload of commands for
Coughlin, Tom
Cronkite, Walter
Cthulhu (Pluto’s “whale”)
Dantzler, Andy
Decadal Survey
Deep Space Network, NASA
Delta II rockets
Delta IV rockets
Department of Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Energy (DOE)
RTG powering by
Departure Phases 1-3, Pluto flyby
Discovery Program, NASA
Division of Planetary Sciences (DPS)
DOE. See Department of Energy
DPS. See Division of Planetary Sciences
Drake, Mike
Durda, Dan
Elachi, Charles
Emmart, Carter
Enceladus (Saturn moon)
Encounter Change Control Board (ECCB), New Horizons
Encounter Mode, Pluto flyby
Eris (dwarf planet)
Eros asteroid
Esposito, Larry
Europa (Jupiter moon)
conditions for life on
fail-safe data plan, New Horizons
“Faith of the Heart” (song)
Farquhar, Robert
Fast Flyby Pluto mission proposal
Fountain, Glen
New Horizons’ computer malfunction and
as New Horizons’ development project manager
New Horizons’ hazard-watch campaign and
New Horizons’ optical navigation and
nuclear launch approval oversight by
Pluto flyby task scheduling by
Francois, Steve
Friedman, Lou
Galeev, Alec
Galileo mission
“antenna-to-ram” technique used in
Gemini constellation
Gemini missions
geography, Pluto
active status of
liquid water potential and
mountains within
nitrogen glacier within
Geology and Geophysics Team, New Horizons
Gerstenmaier, Bill
Geveden, Rex
Giacconi, Riccardo
Gibson, Bill
as New Horizons’ payload/instrument project manager
Gladstone, Randy
“Glen’s Glide” flight phase, New Horizons
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
Goldin, Dan
“Grand Tour” mission concept, NASA
gravity assists
by Jupiter
Green, Jim
Griffin, Mike
Grundy, Will
Grunsfeld, John
Halley’s Comet
Hersman, Chris
malfunction procedures development by
New Horizons’ computer crisis and
as New Horizons’ spacecraft engineering lead
hibernation mode, New Horizons
Hillary, Edmund
Hillary Montes (Pluto mountains)
Holdridge, Mark
on ECCB committee
and ground logistics, Pluto flyby
as New Horizons’ Pluto flyby mission manager
New Horizons’ timing update and
Honeymooners (TV show)
Hubble Space Telescope
Hunten, Donald
Huntress, Wes
Hydra (Pluto moon)
discovery of
formation of
shape/rotation of
size and composition of
IAU. See International Astronomical Union
Idaho National Lab
Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
“planet” definition by
Io (Jupiter moon)
“IRIS” composition spectrometer
Journal of Geophysical Research
New Horizons’ development and role of
Pluto mission bids by
Gravity Assist
magnetosphere radiation of
NASA missions to
New Horizons’ study of
Jupiter Encounter Science Team, (JEST) New Horizons
KBOs. See Kuiper Belt Objects
Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
New Horizons’ launch from
as wildlife sanctuary
Kerberos (Pluto moon)
discovery of
shape/rotation of
Krimigis, Stamatios “Tom”
Kubrick, Stanley
Kuiper Belt
Eris’s discovery in
New Horizons’ mission objectives for
Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)
2014 MU69
New Horizons’ flyby of
Kuiper, Gerard
Lappa, Linda
Levison, Hal
Lewis and Clark
Lockheed Martin
LORRI (Long Range Reconnaissance Imager)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
work shutdown at
Lowell, Constance
Lowell Observatory
Pluto’s discovery at
Lowell, Percival
Lucas, George
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
Lunine, Jonathan
Magellan mission
malfunction procedures development, New Ho
Mariner missions
technical capabilities of
Climate Orbiter
NASA missions to
Observer, explosion of
Marsden, Brian
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama
“Mars Underground”
Martin Marietta
May, Brian
May, Todd
McAuliffe, Christa
McKinnon, William “Bill”
McLeish, John
McNamee, John
McNutt, Ralph
MCR. See Mission Confirmation Review
NASA missions to
MESSENGER spacecraft
Mikulski, Barbara
Mission Confirmation Review (MCR)
missions, NASA. See also New Horizons mission
Mars Observer
MOC, (Missions Operations Center), New Horizons
backup functions at
mission launch and
New Horizons’ computer malfunction and
Pluto flyby management by
Moon (Earth’s)
Moore, Jeff
as New Horizons’ Geology and Geophysics Team leader
MOPS (mission operations) Team, New Horizons
Morgan, Tom
NASA. See also New Horizons mission
Apollo missions by
Cassini mission by
Challenger mission by
Deep Space Network of
Discovery program by
Galileo mission by
Gemini missions by
“Grand Tour” mission concept by
Magellan mission by
Mariner missions by
Mars Observer mission by
media/publicity plans by
mission selection process by
“New Frontiers Program” by
New Horizons’ launch by
New Horizons’ Pluto flyby operations and
and New Horizons’ post-Pluto objectives
New Horizons’ project development and
Pioneer missions by
Pluto/Kuiper Belt missions, future, by
Pluto mission competitions by
Pluto mission study by
standardization of spacecrafts by
Viking missions by
Voyager missions (Mariner Jupiter-Saturn) by
National Academy of Sciences
National Air and Space Museum, Dulles, Virginia
National Geographic
NEAR (Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) mission